Redcar and Cleveland Twinning Association Upcoming Events.

Committe Meetings.

The next committee meeting is TBA.

Subscriptions 2025.

Annual subscriptions for 2025 are due in January. Please send subscriptions direct to Steve Arnold, our Treasurer, £10 for individual, £15 for joint / family and £20 for corporate membership.5

Subscriptions 2025

Please make payment during the month of January either by cheque or by BACS payment (see below).                Many thanks.

I/We enclose £ ……. for individual membership (£10) □    Family/Household membership £ ….. (£15) □

Corporate membership £ …. (£20) □

Name(s) of member(s) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address: ………………………………………………………………………….



Post code: ……………………………………….

Telephone number(s): …………………………………………..    …………………………………………………………

Email address if available (please write clearly):

Please make cheques payable to Redcar and Cleveland Twinning Association. Please send to our Treasurer:          

Mr S Arnold

4 Cleator Drive


Alternatively payment by BACS is possible. Please put your name in as reference, as otherwise it is not clear who has made the payment, and email your subscription slip to

Sort code:  77-71-29

A/c no:  18219360

Troisdorf .

Redcar & Cleveland has been twinned with Troisdorf since 1990 and during the last 34 years there have been many visits to and from Troisdorf by Twinning Association members, as well as school & college students. However, you don’t have to be fluent in German to be a member of our Twinning Association or to take part in any of our visits to Germany or other activities. Many, if not all, of our German friends speak very good English and are usually keen to practice their language skills. 

If you Would you like to join us and be part of this exciting visit with the opportunity to return to Troisdorf next year for our 35th anniversary celebrations? You can contact us via e-mail at: 

We very much look forward to hearing from you soon.